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455 Unterzeichner des Offenes Briefes der Zivilgesellschaft zu CETA


  • ActionAid International, International
  • Center for International Environmental Law, International
  • ECVC – European committee of Via Campesina, Europe
  • FIAN International, International
  • GRAIN, International
  • International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF), International
  • IATP – Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, International
  • IOGT International, International
  • Public Services International (PSI), International
  • SumOfUs, International
  • Naturefriends International, International
  • No Vox International, International


Europäische Organisationen


  • ClientEarth, Europe
  • Compassion in World Farming, Europe
  • European Digital Rights (EDRi), Europe
  • European Environmental Bureau, Europe
  • European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), Europe
  • European Transport Workers’ Federation, Europe
  • European Secretariat of the World March of Women, Europe
  • Federation of Young European Greens, Europe
  • Food & Water Europe, Europe
  • Foodwatch, Europe
  • Friends of the Earth Europe, Europe
  • Green Budget Europe, Europe
  • Greenpeace, Europe
  • Seattle to Brussels network, Europe
  • The Health and Trade Network, Europe
  • UNI Europa, Europe


Kanadische Organisationen


  • Breaking the Silence Maritime Guatemala Solidarity Network PEI Chapter, Canada
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canada
  • Canadian Environmental Law Association, Canada
  • Canadian Health Coalition, Canada
  • Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Canada
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canada
  • Citizens in Action, Canada
  • Common Frontiers, Canada
  • Cooper Institute, Canada
  • Coordination québécoise de la Marche mondiale des femmes, Canada, Quebec
  • Council of Canadians, Canada
  • Don’t Frack PEI, Canada
  • Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island (ECO-PEI), Canada
  • Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), Canada
  • Green Economy Network, Canada
  • Group of 78, Canada
  • MacKillop Centre for Social Justice, Canada
  • MiningWatch Canada, Canada
  • National Farmers Union, Canada
  • National Union of Public and General Employees, Canada
  • OpenMedia, Canada
  • PEI Coalition for a Poverty Eradication Strategy, Canada
  • PEI Federation of Labour, Canada
  • PEI Health Coalition, Canada
  • People’s Health Movement Canada/Mouvement populaire pour la santé au Canada, Canada
  • PharmaWatch Canada, Canada
  • Prince Edward Island Food Security Network, Canada
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada, Canada
  • Save Our Seas and Shores, Canada
  • Seafarers International Union of Canda, Canada
  • Trade Justice Network, Canada
  • Unifor, Canada
  • United Steelworkers, Canada
  • Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS), Canada, Quebec
  • Alternatives, Canada, Quebec
  • AmiEs de la Terre Québec, Canada, Quebec
  • Association canadienne des avocats du mouvement syndical (ACAMS-CALL), Canada, Quebec
  • Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI), Canada, Quebec
  • Attac-Québec, Canada, Quebec
  • Centrale des syndicats démocratiques (CSD), Canada, Quebec
  • Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Centre international de solidarité ouvrière (CISO), Canada, Quebec
  • Centre justice et foi, Canada, Quebec
  • Chapitre montréalais du Conseil des Canadiens, Canada, Quebec
  • Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec (CACQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Coalition Solidarité Santé, Canada, Quebec
  • Collectif pour un Québec sans pauvreté, Canada, Quebec
  • Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL), Canada, Quebec
  • Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), Canada, Quebec
  • Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain (CCMM-CSN), Canada, Quebec
  • Eau Secours! la coalition québécoise pour une gestion responsable de l’eau, Canada, Quebec
  • Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec (FECQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU), Canada, Quebec
  • Génération nationale, Canada, Quebec
  • L’R des centres de femmes du Québec, Canada, Quebec
  • L’Entraide missionnaire, Canada, Quebec
  • Ligue des droits et libertés, Canada, Quebec
  • Mouvement d’éducation populaire et d’action communautaire du Québec (MÉPACQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Réseau québécois des groupes écologistes (RQGE), Canada, Quebec
  • Réseau québécois sur l’intégration continentale (RQIC), Canada, Quebec
  • Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP-Québec), Canada, Quebec
  • Syndicat des Métallos, Canada, Quebec
  • Syndicat des professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec (SPGQ), Canada, Quebec
  • Unifor Québec, Canada, Quebec
  • Union des consommateurs, Canada, Quebec
  • Union des employés et employées de service section locale 800 (UES 800), Canada, Quebec
  • Union paysanne, Canada, Quebec


Organisationen der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten


  • 11.11.11, Belgium
  • AK EUROPA, Austria
  • 3 F Frederiksborg, Denmark
  • A contre-courant, Belgium
  • AB “Švyturys” trade union, Lithuania
  • ActiveWatch, Romania
  • ACV-CSC, Belgium
  • AEFJN, Belgium
  • Afrika Kontakt, Denmark
  • Aire, Spain
  • AITEC, France
  • AK Fracking Braunschweiger Land, Germany
  • Aktion gegen arbeitsunrecht (action against labour injustice), Germany
  • aktion21-austria, Austria
  • Alcohol Policy Youth Network, Slovenia
  • ALEBA – Association Luxembourgeoise des Employés de Banque et Assurance, Luxembourg
  • Alliance D19-20, Belgium
  • Alliance for Cancer Prevention, United Kingdom
  • Amis de la Terre, France
  • AMPOS – Association of Professional Musicians of Symphonic Orchestras, Spain
  • An Claíomh Glas, Ireland
  • An Taisce, Ireland
  • Animalia, Finland
  • ANSOL – Associação Nacional para o Software Livre, Portugal
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL), Germany
  • Arran Lleida, Spain
  • Asamblea de andalucia (ada), Spain, Andalucia
  • ASiA- Associació Salut i Agroecologia, Spain
  • Asociația Mai Bine, România
  • Asociația Pro Educatie, Istorie si Cultură Corvinias, Romania
  • Asociaţia România Vie / Romania Alive Society, Romania
  • Associació Catalana de Juristes Demòcrates, Spain Catalunya
  • Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi, Spain
  • Ateneu Cooperatiu La Baula, Spain – Lleida (Catalonia)
  • Ateneu Popular Garriguenc, Spain Catalunya
  • Attac Austria, Austria
  • Attac DG, Belgium
  • Attac Finland, Finland
  • Attac France, France
  • Attac Germany, Germany
  • Attac Hungary, Hungary
  • Attac Ireland, Ireland
  • Attac Italia, Italy
  • Attac Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Attac Norway, Norway
  • Attac Spain, Spain
  • AVALOT -Joves de la UGT de Catalunya-, Spain
  • Balkani Wildlife Society, Bulgaria
  • Baloldali Alternatíva Egyesülés, Hungary
  • Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs, Zentralverband, Austria
  • Biodynamiske Forbrugere, Denmark
  • Bio-Lëtzebuerg, Luxemburg
  • Blue 21 e.V., Germany
  • Both ENDS, The Netherlands
  • Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Friends of the Earth Germany, Germany
  • Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V.
  • Bündnis TTIP Stoppen, Austria
  • Campact e.V., Germany
  • Campagna Stop TTIP Italia, Italy
  • Campaign against Climate Change, United Kingdom
  • Campaña #NoalTTIP, Spain
  • Cancer Prevention & Education Society, United Kingdom
  • Casal d’amistat amb Cuba de Lleida, Spain Catalonia
  • CEDD – Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltare Durabila, Romania
  • CEDSALA, Spain Valencia
  • Centar za životnu sredinu/ Friends of the Earth Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence, Austria
  • Centre for Global Education, Ireland
  • CGIL (Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro), Italy
  • CGT, France
  • CGT Lleida, Spain
  • Christliche Initiative Romero (CIR), Germany
  • CIG, Spain Galicia
  • Civilek Mecsekért Mozgalom, Hungary
  • Clare Says No To TTIP & CETA, Ireland
  • Clean Air Action Group, Hungary
  • CLIAB, Spain
  • Climaxi, Belgium
  • CNCD-11.11.11, Belgium
  • COAG, Spain
  • Colla Ecologista d’Almassora, Spain
  • Collectif amainte, France
  • Collectif Roosevelt, France
  • Comhlámh, Ireland
  • Comúdelleida, Spain
  • Confederacion de Autonomos del Taxi de la Comunidad Valenciana, Spain Valencia
  • Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT-Spain), Spain
  • Confederación General del Trabajo de Almería CGT-Almería, Spain
  • Confederación Intersindical, Spain
  • Confédération Paysanne, France
  • Consorzio della Quarantina, Italy
  • Coomhola Salmon Trust, ltd., Ireland
  • Coordinadora d’ONGD i aMS de Lleida, Spain
  • Coordination Climat Justice Sociale Genève, Switzerland
  • Coordination Rurale, France
  • CorA Network for Corporate Accountability, Germany
  • Corporate Europe Observatory, Belgium
  • COSPE Onlus, Italy
  • CRASH – Coalition for Research and Action for Social Justice and Human Dignity, Finland
  • Csalán Környezet- és Természetvédő Egyesület, Hungary
  • Csermely Környezetvédelmi Egyesület, Hungary
  • de-clic.ro, Romania
  • Den Haag TTIP-vrij, The Netherlands
  • Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR), Germany
  • Distretto di Economia Solidale Altro Tirreno, Italy
  • Eco Ruralis – In support of peasant farming, Romania
  • ECOAR))), Spain Galicia
  • Ecocity, Greece
  • Ecologistas en Acción, Spain
  • Ecological Intervention of Heraklion Creta, Greece
  • Economistas Sin Fronteras, Spain
  • EH TTIP/CETA Ez Kanpaina, Spain, Basque Country
  • Ekologistak Martxan, Spain, Basque Country
  • ELA (Basque Workers Solidarity), Spain, Basque Country
  • Emmaus Aurinkotehdas, Finland
  • End Ecocide On Earth, Austria
  • Entrepueblos/entrepobles/entrepobos/herriarte, Spain
  • Environmental Planning and Education Network, Hungary
  • Estonian Society for Nature Conservation, Estonia
  • European Anti Poverty Network Ireland, Ireland
  • “Europe and We” Association, Bulgaria
  • EWHN, European Work Hazards Network Denmark, Denmark
  • Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg, Luxembourg
  • Fairwatch, Italy
  • Fauna Alapítvány, Hungary
  • Fédération Artisans du Monde, France
  • Federation of Independent Trade Unions in Education (FSIE), Romania
  • Federation Syndicale Unitaire (FSU), France
  • Fem Poble (Sant Pere de Ribes), Spain
  • FENPROF, Portugal
  • FIAN Deutschland, Germany
  • FIAN Österreich, Austria
  • FIAN Sweden, Sweden
  • FÍS NUA, Ireland
  • FNCTTFEL, Luxembourg
  • Focus, association for sustainable development, Slovenia
  • Fondation COPERNIC, France
  • Forebyggelses-og Patientraadet.FPR, Denmark
  • Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika e.V., Germany
  • Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung, Germany
  • Foundation Bluelink, Bulgaria
  • Foundation for the environment and agriculture, Bulgaria
  • Frack Free Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
  • Fracking Free Bulgaria, Bulgaria
  • Friends of the Earth Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Friends of the Earth Finland – Maan ystävät ry, Finland
  • Friends of the Earth Ireland, Ireland
  • Friends of the Earth Malta, Malta
  • Friends of the Earth Spain, Spain
  • Friends of the Earth Sweden / Jordens Vänner, Sweden
  • Friends of the Landless, Finland
  • FUGEA, Belgium, Wallonia
  • Fundació Ateneu Pere Mascaró, Spain, Illes Balears
  • Fundacio nous horitzons, Spain
  • Fundacion mundubat, Spain
  • Fundacja Kuźnia Kampanierów, Poland
  • Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, Poland
  • Fundacja Zielone Światło / Green Light Foundation, Poland
  • G3W-M3M, Belgium
  • GAIA – Environmental Action and Intervention Group, Portugal
  • GegenStrömung, Germany
  • Gen-ethisches Netzwerk, Germany
  • GENUK, Gemeinnütziges Netzwerk für Umweltkranke e.V., Germany
  • Giligan Nature Conservation and Tradicion Preserve Association, Hungary
  • GLOBAL 2000 – Friends of the Earth Austria, Austria
  • Global Justice Now, United Kingdom
  • GMB Trade Union, United Kingdom
  • GMO Free Bulgaria, Bulgaria
  • GRECS-Grup de Recerca Exclusió i Control Social-Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  • Green Economy Foundation, Ireland
  • Green Foundation Ireland, Ireland
  • Green institute, Greece
  • Green Liberty, Latvia
  • Greentourism Ecologic Association, Romania
  • 4th Group of the United Left – Social movements and individuals, Slovenia
  • Grupo espeleologico merindades, Spain
  • Hazards Campaign, United Kingdom
  • Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Europe
  • Health and Environment Justice Support, Germany
  • Hungarian Network of Social Forum, Hungary
  • Icv terres de lleida, Spain
  • Initiativ Liewensufank- IBFAN Luxemburg, Luxemburg
  • Initiative Wissenschaft gegen TTIP, Germany
  • Initiativplattform TTIP stoppen Oberoesterreich, Austria
  • INKOTA-netzwerk e.V., Germany
  • Inspi-Ráció Egyesület, Hungary
  • Institut za trajnostni razvoj – Institute for Sustrainable Development, Slovenia
  • Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO), Poland
  • Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich INSPRO, Poland
  • International Presentation Association, Ireland
  • International Small Business Alliance, Ireland
  • Intersindical Valenciana, Spain País Valencià
  • Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Ireland
  • Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers Association, ICSA, Ireland
  • Iuridicum Remedium, z. s., Czech Republic
  • Joves d’Esquerra Verda, Spain
  • Karl Marx Society, Hungary
  • Kauno regiono energetinių įmonių jungtinė darbininkų profsąjunga, Lithuania
  • Keep Ireland Fracking Free, Ireland
  • Kehys – The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU, Finland
  • KMU gegen TTIP, Austria
  • Közép-dunántúli Biokultúra Egyesület, Hungary, Europe
  • Kulturrat Österreich, Austria
  • La Casa Azul del Occidente, Spain
  • Les Amis de la Terre, Belgium
  • Letterbreen and Mullaghdun Community, United Kingdom
  • Links Ecologisch Forum (LEF), Belgium
  • Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation, Lithuania
  • Lithuanian Seafarers’ Union, Lithuania
  • Lithuanian Trade Union of Health Care Employees, Lithuania
  • LobbyControl, Germany
  • LRT darbuotojų profesinė sąjunga, Lithuania
  • Luonto-Liitto / The Finnish Nature League, Finland
  • Magosfa Foundation, Hungary
  • Magyar Antifasiszta Liga, Hungary
  • Mandate Trade Union, Ireland
  • Marchas de la Dignidad-Madrid, Spain
  • Marea Blanca de Ponent i Pirineus, Spain Catalonia
  • Mareas ciudadanas, Spain
  • May Day, Denmark
  • Mediterranean Antinuclear Watch (MANW ), Greece
  • MedSOS, Greece
  • Meer Democratie, The Netherlands
  • Mehr Demokratie, Germany
  • Mercy International Association, Ireland
  • Milieudefensie, The Netherlands
  • MOC, Belgium
  • Moral Cerdit Association, Hungary
  • Mouvement Ecologique, Luxembourg
  • Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance (mpOC), Belgium
  • Mouvement Rural de Jeunesse Chretienne, France
  • Mouvement Utopia, France
  • Movement for Just Society (Gibanje za pravično družbo- GPD), Slovenia
  • MTVSZ / Friends of the Earth Hungary, Hungary
  • Mundubat, Spain Basque Country
  • Nacion humana universal, Spain
  • National Justice and Peace Network, United Kingdom
  • National Alliance of Christian Mutual Health Funds, Belgium
  • Naturefriends Greece, Greece
  • NaturFreunde Deutschlands, Germany
  • New Wind Association, Finland
  • No Transat !, Belgique / Belgium
  • NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark, Denmark
  • Non ao TTIP Galiza, Spain Galicia
  • NoTTIP, United Kingdom
  • ÖBV – Via Campesina Austria, Austria
  • ÖGB – Austrian Trade Union Federation, Austria
  • OGM dangers, France
  • Oikos – Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
  • OMAL, Spain
  • Open Cages, Lithuania
  • Organisation des producteurs de lait, France
  • Padrines i Padrins Flautes de Mallorca, Spain
  • Paz con Dignidad, Spain
  • PCS, United Kingdom
  • PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health, Italy
  • Pénzügyi Szervezetek Lakossági Figyelője Egyesület, Hungary
  • People Before Profit, United Kingdom
  • People’s Front, Hungary
  • Peoples Movement, Ireland
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility, Finland, Finland
  • Plataforma Algarve Loivre de Petróleo, Portugal
  • Plataforma Não ao Tratado Transatlântico, Portugal
  • Plataforma no al TTIP Sevilla, Spain
  • Plataforma pel Dret a Decidir del País Valencià, Spain País Valencià
  • Plataforma STOP CETA Ponent i Pirineus, Spain
  • Plateforme Stop CETA & TTIP, Luxembourg
  • Platform Aarde Boer Consument, The Netherlands
  • Polyán Egyesület, Hungary
  • PowerShift e.V., Germany
  • Presentation Interprovincial Justice Desk, Ireland and the UK
  • Procés Constituent, Spain (Catalonia)
  • Protestival, Slovenia
  • Quercus – Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza, Portugal
  • Quintessenz – Verein zur Wiederherstellung der Bürgerrechte im Informationszeitalter, Austria
  • Red andaluza no al TTIP, Spain
  • Réseau Semences Paysannes, France
  • Rettet den Regenwald, Germany
  • Right2Water Campaign Ireland, Ireland
  • Skiftet, Sweden
  • Slow Food Ireland, Ireland
  • Slow Food Italy, Italy
  • Social movement for Sustainable Development of Slovenia – TRS (Drštvo Gibanje TRS9), Slovenia
  • Social Justice Ireland , Ireland
  • Sociedad cultural gijonesa, Spain
  • Solidary Bulgaria, Bulgaria
  • SOM ENERGIA, Spain
  • Som lo que Sembrem, Spain Catalonia
  • STEI Intersindical, Spain Balearic Islands
  • Stop CETA Alliance Ireland, Ireland
  • STOP Desahucios Hernani, Spain
  • Stop TAFTA Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • StopTTIP uk, United Kingdom
  • STOP TTIP CETA TiSA Greece, Greece
  • Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne EKO-UNIA, Poland
  • Students against TTIP UK, United Kingdom
  • Südwind, Austria
  • Susivienijimas ŽALI.LT, Lithuania
  • Sustainable Water Network, Ireland
  • SZAB, Hungary
  • Technical Engineering and Electrical Union, Ireland
  • The Barn Owl Foundation, Hungary
  • The Danish Ecological Council, Denmark
  • The Environmental Pillar, Ireland
  • The Irish Food Writers’ Guild, Ireland
  • The Irish Wildife Trust, Ireland
  • Tid til fred – aktiv mod krig, Denmark
  • Towards Sustainability Association, Hungary
  • Trade Justice Movement, United Kingdom
  • Trade union of Lithuanian food producers, Lithuania
  • Trades Union Congress, United Kingdom
  • transform! italia, Italy
  • Transitie Nederland, The Netherlands
  • Transnational Institute (TNI), The Netherlands
  • Trócaire, Ireland
  • TTIP and Agriculture coalition, The Netherlands
  • TTIP Network Finland, Finland
  • TTIPunfairHandelbar, Germany
  • UAB Siauliu energetikos statyba profesine sajunga, Lithuania
  • UFISC, France
  • UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores), Spain
  • UGT de Catalunya, Spain
  • UGT LLEIDA, Spain – Lleida Catalonia
  • ULC Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs nouvelle a.s.b.l., Luxembourg
  • Umanotera, Slovenia
  • Umweltinstitut München e.V., Germany
  • Unconditional Basic Income Europe, Belgium
  • Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), Spain
  • Union Syndicale Fédérale, Europe
  • Union syndicale Solidaires, France
  • UnternehmensGrün e.V., Germany
  • USTEA (Unión de Sindicatos de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores en Andalucía), Spain
  • Utopia, Slovakia
  • Vaistinių darbuotojų profesinė sąjunga, Lithuania
  • Védegylet Egyesület, Hungary
  • Vida, Austria
  • Visnyeszéplaki Faluvédő és Közművelődési Egyesület, Hungary
  • Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment, Ireland
  • Vrijschrift, The Netherlands
  • War on Want, United Kingdom
  • WEED – World Economy, Ecology & Development, Germany
  • Wicklow (Eire)&Friends Against TTIP/CETA, Ireland
  • Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Netherlands, The Netherlands
  • World March of Women(WMW)- Cordination CATALONIA, Spain Catalonia
  • wwoof italia, Italy
  • XminY het actiefionds, The Netherlands
  • Young Friends of the Earth Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Za Zemiata, Friends of the Earth Bulgaria, Bulgaria
  • Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia, Croatia
  • ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System, Portugal
  • Zivilcourage Innviertel, Austria
  • Zöld Akció Egyesület (Green Action), Hungary
  • Zold Volgyert Egyesulet, Hungary

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  • PG Gerechter Welthandel (noTTIP)

    PG Gerechter Welthandel (noTTIP)

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